German Cockroach

- German cockroaches are the smallest of the cockroaches to be found in Britain at around 12-30mm.
- They are light brown/yellow in appearance.
- Females produce between 4-8 Ootheca containing 30-40 eggs..
- Unlike other cockroaches, the German variety keep hold of their Ootheca until the eggs are ready to hatch, or sense danger.
- Incubation is 2-3 weeks with development from nymph to adult in anything between 1-6 months.
- The lifespan of the adult is only around 4-5 months.
- Similar to other species a warm, humid environment is preferred. Pipes, vents, ducts, machine housing and drains are just some of the many places they are to be found.
- The German cockroach is the most common species in households and factories mainly because it is small and able to hide in in-accessible places. The females husbandry skills mean a better survival rate and a larger number of eggs per case are produced.
- Effective control of cockroaches is achieved from a program of monitoring and treatment using combination insecticides.
- As a hardy insect multiple visits are required utilising both short and long term strategies.