Asian Hornet

- Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) queens are up to 30 mm in length; workers up to 25 mm (slightly smaller than the native European hornet Vespa crabro).
- Mostly black body except for its 4th abdominal segment which is a yellow/orange band located towards the rear.
- It has characteristic yellow legs which accounts for why it is often called the yellow legged hornet.
- Face is orange with two brownish red compound eyes.
- Vespa velutina is a day flying species which, unlike the European hornet, ceases activity at dusk.
- Like wasps, a hornets’ nest is constructed of chewed up wood to form a paper like structure.
- Please note that Asian hornets are a non-native reportable species and SHOULD NOT BE DESTROYED/TREATED like a Wasp or European Hornet’s nest!
- We are unable to treat an Asian Hornet’s nest and you should stick to the following guidance:
- Never disturb an active nest
- Sighting of the Asian Hornet should be reported through the ‘Asian Hornet Watch’ app, through an online form or emailed to the Non-Native Species Secretariat with a photograph and location details.
- You can find more information about this species and further resources on the NNSS website, including the app and identification sheets.